Youth Mental Health First Aid is a joint partnership training between Empowerment Essence foundation and Healthy Kinder Inc.
March 25, 2017 Part 1 & April 8, 2017 Part 2
This eight-hour interactive course that is being offered for all in the community who have a desire to help understand the role of mental health in our communitites.
The course is designed to train participants how to respond when a young person is experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis, and substance abuse disorders and how to offer support to a young person who appears to be in emotional distress.
The curriculum used is the Youth Mental Health First Aid USA program developed by the National Council For Behavioral Health, the only evidence-based program recognized in the US for mental health challenges of youth, and the training will be conducted by a certified Youth Mental Health First Aid USA Instructor.
The learning objectives are as follows:
-To understand the prevalence of various mental health disorders impacting youth and the need for reduced stigma in communities
-To recognize the warning signs of mental health problems that may impact youth, primarily those aged 12-18
-To understand the risk and protective factors that can impact a youth’s mental health and resiliency
-To apply a five-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources and knowledge to assess the situation; to select and implement appropriate interventions, and to help the youth in crisis connect with appropriate, evidence-based treatment and supports
-To identify and access the community resources available to support youth and their families
At the conclusion of the eight-hour course, each participant will receive:
(1) a Youth Mental Health First Aid manual
(2) a certificate of certification in Youth Mental Health First Aid USA which will be valid for three years. &
For future workshops and training email
Shenetta Malkia
Dr. Astril Webb