A Call for Partnership Empowerment Essence Inc
eeadmin January 8, 2020
Empowerment Essence is a 501(c)3 organization registered and established in Maryland Oct. 2014. We are
(Push Pass Offense) The Holidays are Here
eeadmin November 23, 2019
Offense is one area that many of us suffer from. As we all want to
I Am Worthy of Life
eeadmin May 30, 2018
I AM WORTHY OF LIFE YES YOU ARE! Life has significance and so do you.
Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food
eeadmin May 15, 2018
Think about it. Your brain is always “on.” It takes care of your thoughts and
Childhood bullying ‘damages adult life’
eeadmin April 30, 2018
Bullying in childhood "throws a long shadow" into victims' adult lives, suggests research indicating long-term
A Push for Mental Health Care at Colleges: Depression and anxiety ‘really eat up our kids’
eeadmin April 15, 2018
When student leaders from 23 California State University campuses came together last fall to set